
Create and configure a GitHub workflow to run PHP QA tools (e.g. phplint, phpcs), and then run unit and feature tests (e.g. php artisan test, phpunit), and finally generate a code coverage report or some other artifact.
Send a message template containing emoji from Twilio in Laravel.
Easily consume arbitrary raw AWS SQS messages produced by another application in your Laravel application’s queue with a Job and queue configuration.
Generate and save a blade component containing a Chart.js chart in Laravel (without controller bloat) using Browsershot, and then upload it to S3.
Use the Laravel Pipeline component with many Pipes to replace arbitrary placeholders in DOM with computed values using a Model’s accessor
Create a Laravel middleware to parse the response DOM and update a set of img’s src to be routed through imgproxy.
Want your Laravel app to do something after running migrations? Here’s how I did it.
A command I’ve used a few times to install a fresh Laravel project into the cwd’s src/ folder, leaving the cwd for your own README, Docker, Terraform, etc. files.
A few tools (email, object storage, logging) to substitute compatible APIs from production environment for local development.
How to handle backend requests given from livewire/sortable. Data fetched in mount - think Posts by Users (as prop into Livewire component) under a Category (as prop into Livewire component), then sort order persisted during action and re-rendered seamlessly.
Using failedValidation for standard JSON responses on validation error(s).
Slim single action controllers and IDE friendly FQCN route definitions in Laravel.
How you might integrate content written in a Ghost Blog into a Laravel site using its Content API.
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