Server checklist with whiptail and logger.

Author: Ally


As part of my morning routine I carry out some checks for our systems.

These include things like:

I setup a bunch of whiptail questions and log the answers to syslog with logger. Our syslog messages go to papertrail, so we can have a history of these checks. This is also handy for other developers to easily see any notes.


The code! I start with logging which server the check is being run on.

logger --tag 'servercheck' "Starting: $(hostname)"

Then for each check, I ask if we want to perform it. To ask the question:

whiptail --title "Perform Check" \
  --yesno "Do you want to run developer_alerts check?\n\
  This is for email templates and API requests, etc." \
  8 78 && developer_alerts

I do this because some checks are to do with emails and AWS things, so once these have been done once (I start on production server) we don’t need to do these checks on the next server.

Server Check Question

If you answer yes, then it will run whatever is in the function developer_alerts.

function email_more_info
  logger --tag 'servercheck/developer_alerts' "Email Templates: Has errors"

  INFO=$(whiptail \
    --inputbox "What was the error raised?" 8 78 \
    --title "More Information" \
    3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
  if [ $ES = 0 ]; then
    logger --tag 'servercheck/developer_alerts' "Email Templates: Info: $INFO"
    logger --tag 'servercheck/developer_alerts' "Email Templates: Info: none given"

function developer_alerts
  whiptail --title "Email" \
    --yesno "Did the developer alert for email template health check show any errors?" 8 78 \
    && email_more_info \
    || logger --tag 'servercheck/developer_alerts' "Email Templates: Has no issues"

  # similar check for API is ommited

  logger --tag 'servercheck/developer_alerts' "Done!"

In email_more_info when asking for input we need to get the exit code from whiptail to see whether we selected Ok or Cancel. If Ok, the input goes to stderr so need to swap stderr to stdout to set INFO to be what the user input.

Server Check Question

The next check which is a bit different is AWS checks, first it prompts you with some instructions.

Server Check Info

Then there is a list of volumes we expect to be backed up.

Server Check List

We check the volumes if they’re backed up with the date mentioned.

function check_aws
  whiptail --title "AWS: EC2 Checks" \
    --msgbox "Prepare by going to AWS -> EC2 -> Elastic Block Storage -> Snapshots" 8 78

  EC2_INSTANCES_BACKED_UP="$(whiptail --title "EC2 Volume Snapshots" --checklist \
    "Were the following volumes backed up for $(date -d "yesterday 13:00" '+%d/%m/%Y') " 20 78 8 \
    "vol-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "Live: A" OFF \
    "vol-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" "Live: B" OFF \
    "vol-ccccccccccccccccc" "Stage: A" OFF \
    "vol-ddddddddddddddddd" "Stage: B" OFF \
    "vol-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" "Marketing: A" OFF \
    3>&1 1>&2 2>&3

  logger --tag 'servercheck/aws' "EC2 Backups: Verified: $EC2_INSTANCES_BACKED_UP"

  whiptail --title "EC2 Backups" --yesno "Were any issuses identified?" 8 78 \
    && ec2_backups_more_info \
    || logger --tag 'servercheck/aws' "EC2 Backups: Has no issues"
  # for ec2_backuo_more_info, see email_more_info above
  # similar check for RDS omitted

Once all checks have been carried out, finish with.

logger --tag 'servercheck' "Done: $(hostname)"

I also added an alias sever_check to ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc or equivalent.

function server_check
  bash /var/tasks/

It’s fairly primitive and possibly over-engineered, but I like it!

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