I had a weird issue today with building my website.
It has a theme as a gitmodule
but for some reason the remote pointed to the original repo, and not my forked version.
After much frustration, I eventually dropped the submodule and just included the theme with the main repo.
After doing this, there appeared to be no change and deployments were failing.
8:47:58 PM: Error fetching branch: https://github.com/alistaircol/ac-netlify refs/heads/master
8:47:58 PM: Creating deploy upload records
8:47:58 PM: Failing build: Failed to prepare repo
8:47:58 PM: Failed during stage 'preparing repo': exit status 1
I prepared the following build script to emulate Netlify as best I can:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# make a temporary directory to clone repo to
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
# listen for the following signals and tidy up the temporary directory
# 0: exit shell
# 2: Interrupt
# 3: Quit
# 15: Terminate
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" 0 2 3 15
# clone repo to temporary directory
git clone git@github.com:alistaircol/ac-netlify.git $tmpdir
# build static site output
# using baseUrl is important
docker run \
--rm \
--tty \
--interactive \
--user=$(id -u) \
--volume="$tmpdir:/src" \
klakegg/hugo:0.75.1-ext \
# put a simple Dockerfile to put static site output to caddy server
cat <<EOF > "$tmpdir/Dockerfile"
FROM caddy:2-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/share/caddy/
COPY ./public /usr/share/caddy/
# copy static site output to simple web server
docker build --force-rm --tag=alistaircol/ac93 "$tmpdir"
# open browser (opens at error page initially)
open "http://localhost:9999"
# run the static site output server
docker run --rm -p 9999:80 alistaircol/ac93:latest
It turns out that on Netlify, it was pulling in cached data, so after clearing cache and re-deploying it worked!